'Finding Patterns' is about Nature, the adventure of discovery and how we can express what we know in new ways. The project began on April 1st 2011 in the Physics Department of Imperial College London. 

Here you will find conversations from the early months of the project and a journal where I gather my thoughts from time to time. There is a gallery of drawings, paintings and prints, one of experimental films and a small section of short pieces of writing. Large public projects are here. Some of the things that inspire me are in the scrapbook.

Good places to start are my first journal entry, manifesto and thoughts about physics. My reflections on the opportunity for art and the relationship between the artist and scientist are here .

Thank you to the amazing people I have the pleasure to work with. In particular, thank you to Terry Rudolph for helping get our project started and his ongoing support and to the Leverhulme Trust for enabling the project with a Leverhulme Trust ‘Artist in Residence Award’.

I am proud to be the recipient of the American Institute of Physics 2020 Gemant Award, given annually to recognise individuals who have made significant contributions to the cultural, artistic or humanistic dimension of physics. The award is for "articulating deep physics concepts through visual arts and other media, reaching a remarkable range of people in innovative ways and sharing her passion for the expression of physical truths”.

Though the project began in a Physics Department, my subject matter encompasses diverse themes including: our changing climate; complexity science and emergence; the life in soil. There are beautiful things and lessons to be learnt, wherever we cast our gaze.

To join my mailing list or for further information please email me at geraldine.cox@imperial.ac.uk.

Geraldine Cox




  • ‘Earthbeat’, A subterranean dance experience, for families at The Invention Rooms, White City, w/c May 7th April.

  • SUN,SPACE,ART for schools in Greater Manchester with the Comino Foundation, May 2025.

  • ‘Earthbeat’, A subterranean dance experience, for everyone at The Great Exhibition Road Festival, 7th and 8th June, 2025.

  • Cosmos: The Art of Observing Space’, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, 24th January - 19th April 2026.


  • SUN,SPACE,ART workshops for Isle of Sheppey schools: St George’s Avenue & Rose Street Primaries on 25 and 26th February 2025.

  • SWARM DANCE at Tate Modern, August 24th 2024.

  • The Garden of Tomorrow Festival: We Are Nature’, London, June 13-15th 2024. Exhibition and workshops with The Great Imagining. Showing my painting - “Universe”.

  • SWARM DANCE at The Great Exhibition Road Festival, June 15-16th 2024.

  • SUN|Earth’ at The Great Exhibition Road Festival Family Stage, June 16th 2024.

  • “Light’, Marie Curie Student Workshops for lower 6th form students, Alexandra Park School, London. June 21st, 2024.

  • Four SUN workshops for schools in Manchester with the Comino Foundation and Prof Helen Mason of Cambridge University, 3rd and 4th July 2024.

  • Conference Artist, The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, Imperial College London, South Kensington, 14-19th July 2024.

  • Emergence’ for young people at Imperial College London. Two workshops with Westminster City Lions & Mencap. May 30th 2024.

  • Rochdale Science Extravaganza, May 5th 2024.

  • “Visit an Atomic Clock and Laser Lab” for British Science Week with 240 Year 5 & 6 children and physicist Charles Baynham and team.

  • SWARM DANCE at Imperial Late, March 14th 2024. Interactive public dance event. Flock like a bird, build like a termite, learn like a honey bee. With Emma Bellerby, Yanaëlle Thiran, Thomasin Gülgeç, Nya Bardouille, Billy Flanagan, Kyle Major, Mads Sas, Mike Breza and Julie McCann.

  • March 2024 saw the launch of the SUN|Earth series of videos exploring the connections between our Sun and Earth through dance with physicists from Imperial, Cambridge and Warwick Universities and dance artists from The Place.

  • Spaceship Earth Festival 2050” - a vision prepared for the UK Science Festivals Network Conference, Birmingham, January 30th, 2024.

  • Our Climate Our Collective Future” with Rochdale Science Initiative and the British Science Association. September - December 2023.

  • National Astronomy Meeting 2023, Cardiff, July 6th, invited speaker, ‘The Gifts’.

  • Drawing and dancing your research; how to use creative art forms to engage the public and develop understanding’ with Emma Bellerby, for students and staff of London School of Economics, 1-3pm, 16th June, 2023.

  • Atom>Light>Dance’ for everyone, Imperial Festival, 17-18th June 2023.

  • ‘The Sun’, with Dr Helen Mason of Cambridge University. Alice Ingham School. Rochdale, 22nd June 2023.

  • Atomic Dance Party’ four workshops for local families with Imperial College London, dance artist Emma Bellerby, and physicists Stefan Popa and Rhys Jenkins, White City, 29 - 30th May 2023.

  • An Artistic Adventure Through Science’, Pint of Science, Imperial College London, 22nd May 2023.

  • ‘Rochdale Science Extravaganza - Climate Change and Sustainability’ with Rochdale Science Initiative. March 19th 2023.

  • ‘Climate Change in Conversation with Prof Joanna Haigh’, Rochdale Science Initiative, 22nd January 2023.

  • ‘Atom>Light>Dance’ participatory dance event exploring atomic spectra with dance artists Emma Bellerby, Yanaëlle Thiran and physicists from The Centre for Cold Matter. November 17th, 6-9pm, 2022. With Imperial Lates.

  • ‘The Gifts’ seminar, Communicators and Outreach Conference, London. November 17th 2022.

  • ‘The Gifts’ seminar, Durham University, 2nd November 2022.

  • ‘The Gifts’ presentation and discussion, DesOEQ/QSUM22 Conference, Strathclyde University, 11 – 14 July 2022.

Selected Projects